Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Update on The Blackguard

I am getting a lot of questions now on the release of The Blackguard, second in the series for The Blue Dragon's Geas.  My editor and I have chosen May 1, 2014 as our release date.  The illustrator is working to achieve this date as well so if all goes well, this will be the true release.

Some things I have been asked:

Where does The Blackguard take place?  

The home capital of Lerdenia - Silverport?

Is this the end of the story?

No, this is the next chapter in Alador's journey to becoming a full mage.

Are there still dragons in the story?

Alador continues to have dreams so yes, the dragon cameos are still occurring.

Does he go back and get Mesiande?  

That is a spoiler, you are going to have to read to find out?

Who is your favorite character in The Blackguard?

Hands down, it is Jon.  I love his matter of fact answers and the way he thinks.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

There were a lot of threads put out in the beginning, the hard part was making sure that all the threads were tied up other than those that were designed to carry on into book three.

Those are the questions I have so far.  Feel free to to post more if you have them. I will answer those that are not spoilers.  I also just got my business cards so thank you to Becky Hunt who drew Keensight for them.  I will soon have two views of Keensight as Heather Scoggins is working on her rendition of him as well in a redesign of Outcast's cover.  Feel free to email me or write. I look forward to corresponding with all my fans.

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