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My Mom is half right! |
This is probably the most appropriate meme for me. Though I write on the computer and not on paper. It is amazing the things that people have said about my life and how it must be nice to be a writer. I have even heard added to that...."and not a real job." So for the curious, here are the two schedules that I have primarily lived the last two years with some small breaks here and there.
Teaching Week
Up at 6 (sometimes on the east coast so this is like 3 am to me)
Get ready for the day!
Arrive at training by 8 a.m. regardless of weather or distance
Train on Moral Reconation Therapy till Noon
Get lunch, answer questions and if time... do publicity for books
Train till approximately 4 p.m.
Grab Food for hotel eating
Publicity and write if I can - (sometimes after a chemo week I was too tired)
8 PM - Jump in World of Warcraft to relax for a bit.
Go to bed by ten
Chemo Week - This is Day Four which was always the worst!
(Three days of this I wore a chemo pump)
Struggle to wake up usually around 9 - Sometimes move to couch.. sometimes stay on bed with lap top
Drink Coffee Caregiver brings
Putter at publicity
Nap with Mia (service pet and best friend... she is a corgi)
Putter at publicity
Nap with Mia
Try to write if brain is clear enough - sometimes it was... sometimes not... The time doing writing and publicity would increase and the nap time would decrease the farther I got from the actual chemo day.
Nap with Mia
Putter at games and hang out with friends online
Usually was asleep by 9 pm
There were months where I would do a chemo week then a teaching week back to back. One day before teaching schedule would be spent in travel. In the past two years I have been to New Hampshire, Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alaska, California, Oregon, New Mexico, and Utah.
Somehow during all of this, I managed to put out books 2-4. I know book 3 was short, but it was all I could manage for my fans at the time. My goal once I have finished Fallen Tiers and it has been out long enough for my current readers is to consolidate the series into a trilogy. Putting Outcast and Blackguard into one, Bloodmines and Psuedo-Dragon into another, then Fallen Tiers will be on its own.
I don't have a new schedule yet for the weeks I do not teach. I am working on it. I know that getting Fallen Tiers out is the priority at the moment. So obviously, that will be at the forefront. Writing is still a bit difficult. When I had the last tumor removed from my liver, I woke up with no feeling in my hands. I had stomach surgery and somehow they damaged the nerves to my fingers in both hands trying to put some blood gas monitor thing in. The fingertips hurt when I type, but as you can see, I am pushing through it.
What I would like to know from those that took the time to read this... is there any character(s) that you would like to see in a new series? Let me know. I appreciate all feedback and suggestions.
Have a great day!
Love you all!
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