Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Joys of Editing

My favorite part of writing is.. well writing.  Watching the story unfold in my mind is like watching a movie.  I totally enjoy the first reread, seeing it in a constant flow rather then broken up over the time it takes me to write and work.  I hate editing.

Do not get me wrong, I totally understand the importance of fleshing out the story, checking grammar and spelling, and insuring no discrepancies, but the whole time I am thinking but I just want to write the next part.

That is where I am now.  I am lost in a round of editing and comments from my editor to correct or 'add more meat'.  I love my editor, don't get me wrong but I just want to see the book release.  I am excited and at the same time, I do want it right the first time.

I dream of the day, like any writer, that my books take off and have popularity.  It would be a crowning day to see something I have written on the best seller's list.  But truthfully for me, what I really dream of is the day I can write all day if I chose.  Right now, I have to squeeze writing and editing around a four day - eleven hour work schedule.  Working these kind of hours often depletes you of any creative energy.

I try to right something every day.  Whether I am doing a little role play on World of Warcraft or just adding a page to a story.  But the true joy is when one can sit and just watch a story fly from your finger tips.   I am a very visual person, so it is like watching a movie.

Thank you for everyone who stops by here and encourages and supports me.  You truly are my family as much as any family by blood.  Remember, never stop dreaming.  The world was built on the dreams of others.

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